Friday, June 10, 2011

All work and no play makes Joyce a dull girl

I've been working a ton lately and not had much time to play with glass. I made up for it last weekend though by finally tackling a project that I've been playing since I bought a glass top table for my patio a year ago. I set up some pavers, chairs, and plants to try to make a little zen garden area in my backyard recently and I put together this glass mosaic koi pond table to fit the theme. This is the first time that I've made the pattern myself - drawing it by hand and scanning it into the computer to make multiple copies.

I'm particularly excited that the mosaic is on top of a clear glass base. I can put a light under it and really highlight the glass. I don't imagine I'll do it often but it would be cool to do for parties. 

The next project to tackle is to master adobe illustrator so I can more easily put together patterns. Fun fun.